About Odyssey

Hi, my name is Noah.

I am a Certified RV Technician based in Western Washington’s Skagit Valley. I love to take road trips, so I will occasionally hit the road and take my tools wherever I go.

I notice that most of my RV customers (including my parents) fall into 3 categories: seeking out more family time, exploring our beautiful country or a new sense of freedom.

My mission with Odyssey is to protect the experience a reliable RV can provide. I love supporting RV owners because I am directly supporting you obtain that freedom, take that trip you’ve been planning or enjoy time with loved ones.

  • "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ."

    Colossians 3:23-24

  • "When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free."

    Tom Robbins, Author

  • “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essayist

  • “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

    Albert Einstein

We adhere to the RVTAA Code of Ethics.


As RV Technicians we will continually strive to produce quality workmanship that we will be proud to put our name on.


As RV Technicians we will only utilize those materials and equipment that have been approved by NFPA 1192 and ANSI for RV usage. The safety of all parties is paramount.


As RV Technicians we will recommend to the RV owner only the work and parts for the RV we believe necessary.


As RV Technicians we will respect the RV as if it were our own. The RV and its contents are the customer's property and are to be protected while in our possession. We understand drinks, smoking, or the use of tobacco products are prohibited inside or around the RV.


As RV Technicians we will take every opportunity to continually improve our technical knowledge, business skills, and people relations. We are dedicated to lifelong learning.


As RV Technicians we will strive to help develop new and current technicians through mentorship and coaching.


As RV Technicians we will attempt to correct any honest mistake made by the factory, suppliers, vendors, or technicians, without damaging the reputation of that person or their business.


As RV Technicians we will conduct ourselves with integrity and honesty to increase the public respect for all RVTAA Registered, Certified, and Master Certified RV Technicians.


As RV Technicians we will make every effort to maintain and improve the professional practice and integrity of the RV Technician Association of America membership. Any willful violations of NFPA 1192 and ANSI codes shall be reported to the RVTAA for review and possible disciplinary actions.

Fill out the form for a Mobile RV Service Appointment.

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Where did you come up with the name ‘Odyssey’?

Definition of odyssey: A long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience.

RV-ing is can be an eventful experience to say the least. RV’s provide adventure for families everywhere. We are here to keep your Odyssey going down the road.

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